gay relationships Archives - Hardline Chat

gay relationships Archives - Hardline Chat

Gay Relationship Goals

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Plenty of celebrities keep their love lives quiet, but when they’re willing to open up, it’s a real treat. They get bonus points if they’re somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum, not fearing about coming out and telling everybody who they are. Read More

5 Ways to Attract More Gay Men in 2015

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Happy New Queer! The new year has arrived and you know what that means, right? New men to fill your dance card! But it’s not all fun and games if you can’t do it right? Yes, we’re judging you, but we swear it’s out of love. Check out how to attract more gay men below. Read More

How to Get His Number Without Turning Him Off

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Asking someone for their number can really suck. Most of us start psyching ourselves out, getting tongue-tied and awkward, the end result being left numberless and forever alone. What a sad, sad state of affairs. But, there are ways around this, even for us shyer types. It’s all about how you approach the situation. Below are five ways you can turn the tables in your favor when you want to move forward with that cute guy you’ve just met. Read More

5 Things Keeping Guys from Finding Mr.Right

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Forgive me for sounding cliché a moment, but I believe Mr.Right is out there for you. I don’t even know who you are and I know it’s true. Do I have a sunshiny disposition in life? Am I the reincarnation of Pollyanna? Nah, I just know probability. If you’re someone with realistic relationship standards and a drive to find the guy, you’ll find him. There are too many men in the world for that to not be true. Nobody’s that pathetic. Read More