gay relationship Archives - Hardline Chat

gay relationship Archives - Hardline Chat

Gay Dating Tips for the Digital Age

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This isn’t your grandfather’s time any more. For better or worse, the rules have long since changed, giving way to alternate ways of romance thanks to the innovations of technology. With texting, dating apps and social media, there are so many more opportunities to find (and keep close) significant others. But what’s the right way to go about it? Stick around. We’ll tell you. Read More

How to Have a Drama-Free Relationship In the New Year

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Oh, drama. Where would we be without you? Shakespeare seemed to handle it pretty well, but this is, you know, a few hundred years later. And not fiction. You’re in the real world with a real relationship, and the less drama you have, the better off you’ll be emotionally. Maintaining a drama-free relationship can seem easy to some people, but difficult to others. It’ll depend on how you were raised to see healthy versus unhealthy relationships. But at least give these suggestions a good try. You owe yourself that much. Read More