New year, new look!
Are you one of those people who never knows what to wear to a certain event? I am! I don’t even know what to wear everyday….It kind of bugs me everyone assumes gay men just automatically have a fashion sense. Worse, because in my circle of friends we really are a bit superficial. Hate to admit it but it’s true!
It has taken me ears to figure out a simple strategy for always having something to wear to pretty much any occasion. I must give credit where it is due because the best tip I ever got was from good old mum; be neat and clean. Yeah that sounds boring. And it sounds like common sense too but look around. Not many people start with that simple step and it makes a big difference. Start with a good base of a good, neat haircut and be fresh and clean. From that point you can build. She always told me to keep a good outfit clean for those spontaneous plans. Sometimes when I am having some fun online looking for singles to date or just hang out with I get an amazing offer like, just the other night I was talking to a cute guy on Hardline and he told me he had theater tickets for Madeline! His date had just backed out, so lucky for me I listened to good old mum! I had a nice, maybe not super trendy but a clean pair of slim cut back jeans, a blue button-down shirt and a nice faux-suede grey jacket. I looked really put together. Going for simple, clean pieces and a nice and neat style doesn’t mean you can’t have personality and character! You can still have your cute piercing, sexy tattoo, flip of colour or a streak through your hair, spike it up a bit, add a sexy scarf or a fun bright shoelace even. Just like mum said; less is more. A fun and flirty dash of personality is always more inviting that outrageously over-styled hair, way too many piercings or an intimidating amount of tattoos and an overly fashionable person with every current trend and designer seems a bit excessive too. Remember it’s YOU that you are packaging up and in a way selling to the world. You are already special, you don’t need to hide behind a fake persona. Be you, clean and fresh, keep aware of the trends and stay just to the side of comfort and always shop at the end of the seasons. You get a better deal and are still staying on the side of the fashion trends. Always get the right kind of pants for your height too! That is very important in cultivating style. Here is a really helpful article from GQ *sigh* I love GQ!
I’m hoping you have a Happy New Year and have lots of love, lust and happiness!
Remember K.I.S.S.-Keep it simple Sweety…..my mum LOVED that one. Good advice for all of us! Of course she used to say “stupid” but I love you all kiddies, I’d never say that about you!.