Beauty Archives - Hardline Chat

Beauty Archives - Hardline Chat

Why You Should Shower Less in the Winter

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Call it “cleansing reduction” or simply call it “showering less.” Whatever you choose to name it, a new beauty trend that really isn’t all that new is becoming mainstream. The key? Take fewer showers and wash your hair and body less. There are a number of benefits to washing less frequently, particularly in the colder months, and we want to share them with you to see if you can’t develop softer skin, more luscious locks and save a little bit on the water bill while you’re at it. Here are four compelling reasons on why you should shower less in the winter. Read More

5 Habits to Drop in the New Year That Ruin Your Appearance

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While looks aren’t everything in attraction, they certainly do play a part. And if you’re looking for romance, the more you take care of yourself, the better luck you’ll have. It’s not necessary to turn yourself into some sort of model, undergo cosmetic surgery, or be someone you aren’t, but dropping these basic appearance-ruining habits will help keep you sexy for years to come. Read More