If you’re like me then you don’t want to do the same old lame-ass Valentine’s Day as everyone else. But, you also don’t want to break the bank. Myself I prefer fun over romantic. In fact to me a great relationship is one in which I feel close to the person and comfortable. Is it me or does a too romantic situation feel almost uncomfortable? Like giggle-worthy? The last thing I want to do is giggle at my partner when they are doing their utmost to be seriously romantic.
The answer? Don’t be serious romantic. Be FUNmantic!
Here are my best ideas for a Funmantic Valentine’s Day, that won’t leave you buying half price chocolate all next week because you can’t afford groceries!
Get out!
Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little outside time. My favourite place to go in the cold season is to a nearby body of water. The monochromatic landscape, frozen waves and winter birds and wildlife are quite awe-inspiring, quietly romantic and create a sense of peace and well-being. Just the other day we walked down to the bay and saw a huge grace (not the actual word but it’s what I call a group of swans. Honestly can you think of a more appropriate word?) of swans on the water. We held hands and just felt wonderful and connected as we watched. The water had frozen into grey, blue and green works of art and the whole effect was beautiful. For your Valentine’s Day outing a simple gift of winter wear, like a very nice scarf or elegant gloves, perhaps a sweater and a lovely card with a hand-written sentiment makes a perfect and very memorable gift. If you give it at the right moment, it surprises your object of affection too. “Hey, I thought this was just a random walk but no, you’ve actually planned it!” Have a nice bottle of wine and a few treats too and sit together and just bask.
My fave Valentine’s outing treats are; an excellent red wine such as merlot, malbec or Shiraz. No need to spend more than $20, there are some delicious wines in that range. Nice dark chocolate goes amazingly well with red wine and creates a delicious serotonin buzz. Trust me, these two treats together in a beautiful outdoor setting and you will have them eating more than just chocolate out of your hand!
Clean up!
One of the most romantic and caring things my honey pie ever did for me was clean my entire house while I was at work. I came home to a clean, fresh house, laundry all done and put away and a new set of the most wonderful aromatic candles all lined up around the warm, sudsy bath awaiting me. I got a full body massage after bath, complete with body oils. That part hadn’t been planned as that was MY gift to him!
Get cookin!
This can be an; I do for you, you do for me or a let’s do together, the latter of which is my favourite. This is the one day a year I like to try some new dish I’ve never tried to make at home before. We are vegans so one of the most fun things for us is to make a vegan version of standard popular dishes, but another fun thing is to try to make a favourite culture’s foods at home. Thai food is a very delicious and easy-to-make style of food and a favourite as it’s not too heavy for any ahem….romantic gymnastics which may follow.
Remember this day is all about you and taking time to explore your loving, romantic side. The person you share it with might be someone you just met or someone you’ve been with for a long time. Just indulge yourself and keep your heart open. That is the key to a truly wonderful Valentine’s Day!