Newsflash: Humans are mammals. And as such, we seem to get that primal itch to hibernate when it starts to get colder out (Okay, it’s possible we just use it as an excuse to sleep more). Doesn’t bode well for dating, does it? But Hardline swears you can actually still date and have fun when you leave your home this December. Check out some of our date ideas below!
Do a Coffee Crawl
With the holiday season around the corner, virtually any coffee shop is currently sporting its greatest and fanciest holiday-themed drinks in all sorts of flavours and flourishes. If you and your date are coffee enthusiasts (and squeal over winter holiday things), a coffee crawl could be the best idea ever. Jump several on a free day and discuss oh-so-seriously which place you think has the best peppermint chocolate twist half-caf latte around.
Play with Fire
Looking to take things up a notch? There’s something about fireplaces in winter that makes two people want to take their clothes off. If you or your date already have a fireplace, that’s awesome. Go for it. If you don’t have a fireplace, consider making a bonfire outside (serious moment: Make sure you’re legally allowed to make a fire wherever you decide to do so. Getting fined usually ruins the mood). You may be less likely to take your clothes off outside, but you can at least do the romantic cuddling and S’mores thing. Save the nudity for a little later.
Face Off in Human Ice Bowling
Ice skating is just soooo passé. Instead, get one of those disc-style plastic sleds and head to the rink. Put up 10 empty 2-litre soda bottles like bowling pins and take turns pushing each other in the sled to try and knock them down. Way more fun and original than ice skating and you’re bound to get a few looks from skaters. (Another serious note: If you’re on a public rink, make sure what you’re doing is allowed. Also, don’t aim for small children, as tempting as that may be.)
Put Together an Indoor Picnic
This is great because there is so little outside time involved. Get together at your or your date’s home and put a blanket down in the main room. Instead of light salads and burgers, prepare and eat more stick-to-your-rib winter foods like macaroni and cheese, shepherd’s pie, and pumpkin cheesecake. Everybody’s allowed to indulge during the holiday season, and doing so together will only help you two get closer.
Have a Movie Marathon
This one’s obviously the best because it requires virtually no outside time after travel and has little preparation. Buy some popcorn, hot chocolate, and marshmallows, and just have you and your date gather up all of your favourite winter-themed movies. Get together, sit down, cuddle and watch ad nauseum. If you have both seen the movie a million times, talk and get to know each other better. If you get bored, make out. If it gets too late, oh my, somebody will have to stay over. Just look at that awful, awful weather outside!