Being single can be a drag. You feel more alone, life doesn’t seem as exciting, and the sex is often less guaranteed. If you’re not careful, being single can be a spiral toward putting the covers over your head, bingeing on Netflix, and hating every cutsey couple that has ever existed. There’s a reason there are so many serial monogamists in the world. But being single also has some fantastic perks. If you find yourself single this summer, here are our top 5 reasons as to why you’ll be better off than your coupled counterparts!
You Can Take Those 3am Pizza Trips Without a Second Thought
Regardless of your work schedule, summer is a time where you can stay out later while doing more interesting things. Or, you know, ridiculous things. If your friends call you up at 3am to invite you for pizza, you can just get on over there without a care. But if you’re attached, such a crazy trip would likely require permission or notification. (And if you dared to do neither, you’d risk not only a worried guy waiting at home, but potentially a locked front door.) Further, you probably won’t be awake at 3am for risk of disturbing your partner. Basically, the summers of attached people are frequently structured.
You Get to See the Blockbusters Only You Want to See
Summertime is primetime when it comes to good movies. And while there will be plenty that interest you, there will be plenty that don’t. Few things are more of a drag than having to go see something your partner wants to while your friends keep raving about the movie you had to pass up. And with movie tickets as expensive as they are anymore, chances are that your movie viewing opportunities are limited by your bank account. There’s nothing fun about dropping $20-30 for something you’re going to sleep through.
You Can Go on More Vacations
Since vacations technically cost half of what they would if you had someone on your arm, that means you can go on twice as many when you’re unattached. Where are all of the places you’ve wanted to see? Hawaii? Italy? Australia? Take the opportunity of your singleness to go everywhere you desire with less strain on your wallet. Further, when it’s just you, you only go to the places you want to go and do the things you want to do. Again, more fun for less money! Not to mention you can flirt with the locals.
You’ll Have More Availability for Your Friends
With so many boring movies, odd vacations, and inabilities to go for 3am pizza, your friends are going to feel a bit left in the dust. It’s the sad nature of relationships, you having to give up time with your friends in order to make room for your beau. But the bite is especially hard in the summer when everybody is finally done hibernating and looking to pack their time with socialization. With a boyfriend or partner in tow, you can easily kiss a good portion of those opportunities goodbye.
You Can Have One of Those Tawdry Summer Romances
Overseas, in the city, right next door…it doesn’t matter where it happens. What matters is the world is your oyster for a fun summer fling. Sometimes you just need to sow your oats with other guys to gain more experience in your dating and sexual lives. But for most people, those opportunities are over and done with once you’re committed to one person. And if you feel you’ve met the right person, that’s awesome. But if you’re having second thoughts, chances are the summer is going to drive you nuts. So if you’re already single, bless your stars for getting to have a freer, more relaxed, and more entertaining summer than your attached peers.
So what are the greatest things you’ve done while single in the summer? Let us know in the comments below!