October 2014 - Hardline Chat

October 2014 - Hardline Chat

First Date Fall Style Guide

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Dating in the fall is fun. You get to pull out all of your autumn clothes from last year or, if you’re the type to do so, actually go out and buy new stuff. However, staying warm and still looking your best can sometimes be a problem. How can you add on layers without looking too bulky? How can you make sure you still retain your stylish self without freezing to death? The best way is to take a look at each type of clothing and see how it stacks up on its own; that and well to follow our first date fall style guide! Read More

5 Things You Can Tell About a Man Just By Hearing His Voice

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We’re going to get a little science-y here for a minute. There have been countless studies running around telling people that straight ladies swoon over deep-voiced men because they just know it means such men will be good breeders. Bleh. We don’t have to go into all the problems of those findings and how those studies were conducted, do we? And don’t get me started on the concept of attraction in the whole nature vs. nurture debate. There’s only one true, sure fire thing we can deduce about men’s voices. Basically, the pitch of a man’s voice largely derives from the amount of male sex hormone he has in his system: good ol’ testosterone. The more testosterone he has, the more likely he will have a deeper voice and larger physique. Does that make him more masculine? Nah, it just makes him more of the trope of masculinity. There are lots of ways to be a man. But I digress. Here are five things you can tell about a man just by hearing his voice.
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How to Take the Perfect Profile Picture

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With online dating options like Hardline Chat’s magical app, taking the perfect profile picture is pretty important. Guys are often flipping through potential concubines at lightning speed. You want to give them reason to pause, don’t you? Then read below to find out how to take the perfect profile picture. Read More

First Date Style Don’ts

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Many of us have been lost to the spiral of wanting to impress a guy so bad that we sabotage everything. Such a train wreck usually starts before the date does, often when you’re standing in your bedroom trying to figure out what to wear. Suddenly, all of your confidence has gone so kaput that you wonder if you ever had it to begin with. No worries. Hardline is here to tell you what (not) to do. Here are our first date style don’t s.

Don’t arrive right from work

I know this one can be hard given the timing of evening dates, especially when some of us work more than one job, but try to avoid it if you can. You don’t want to show up in a McDonald’s uniform just as much as you don’t want to show up in a business suit. Both are inappropriate attire for the usual first date venues: a coffee shop or a casual restaurant. It also gives the appearance as if you don’t really care. It’s less “I just couldn’t wait for our first date, so I rushed right over from work,” and more “I didn’t bother to freshen up for you after a long day.” Think about the environment you’ll be in, try to imagine the range of what your date may be wearing, and then try to fall within that range. Not too fancy, not too sloppy.

Don’t agonize

When it comes to your clothing, it’s possible to be a little too invested. Don’t destroy yourself over hours of deliberation for “just the right outfit.” If you fall into this spiral, you won’t be coming back out. You’ll wind up wearing something you’re convinced doesn’t look great on you…and you’ll likely be late for your date on top of it. That’s no good for either of you. Calm it down, focus on the attire spectrum your new guy will likely fall into, and then pick out your favourite things within that spectrum. They’re your favourites for a reason, right? They either make you look good or make you feel good, and either is exactly the boost you need right now.

Don’t slack off

Just like you don’t want to get too invested in your style for the first date, you also don’t want to become too lax. It all comes back to the spectrum (we’re all LGBTQ here people). Make sure to do the usual hygienic routine: brush your teeth, put on deodorant, make sure you’ve showered that day, ensure your clothes don’t look like they’ve been stuffed under your bed for a month. Aside from showing your date that you give a damn, it also shows him that you have a healthy sense of pride in yourself and your body.

Don’t alter your appearance to please him

It’s great to want to help someone see how awesome you are, but don’t do it at the expense of who you are. If you make significant alterations to your style or otherwise do things you normally wouldn’t do, we’ve got ourselves a problem. Regardless of your reasons, you’ll immediately come off as co-dependent and a fake if you suddenly show up with a new nose ring or an oh-so-modern Abercrombie polo. Don’t be a Daniel Desario. The reason your dude wants to have this first date with you at all is because he likes you as you. Don’t change that.


How to Prepare for a First Date

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First dates are scary. Not the obvious booty calls and one-nighters, but the guys with which you really want to make a good impression. The guys you want to stick around. The first rule to make that happen is to be yourself; but duh, we all should know that one by now. If that advice isn’t enough for you, consider these other little jewels on how to prepare for a first date to help ensure your date is a successful one. Read More

How to Use the Hardline Chat App Features to Meet Local Gay Men

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Listen up boys, because I have an interesting little fact for you: the Hardline Chat app has six different features to help you meet local gay, bi, trans or curious dudes. Six. Think about that for a minute. You can search and advertise in the ways that work best for you. Hardline gives you the option to individualize your hunt to maximize your satisfaction, regardless of what it is you’re looking for. Take a gander at how to use the Hardline Chat app features to meet local gay men. You know you want some… ahem, I mean you know you want to.

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Top 5 Gay YouTube Discussions About Fashion

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There’s the stereotype out there that all gay or queer guys are not only obsessed with fashion, but really, really good at it. Piffle. Some of us are great, but many of us are absolute crap. But that’s not to say it’s still not amusing as hell to try. Much to our pleasure, many of the most popular queer or gay vloggers have taken a crack at it. Here are our top five queer YouTube Discussions About Fashion.

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How to Date a Trans Guy

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This post is a great pairing for “How to Date a Bi Guy.” The trans and bi identities are overlapped in many ways, which is probably why they’ve become such good allies for one another. While one is about gender expression and the other is about sexual orientation, both are largely treated like crap by the straight, gay, and queer communities. Bi and trans people are seen as upholding binaries, yet treading in too many identities at once; trying to live as they are, but apparently what they are isn’t good enough. Quite frankly, such beliefs are made by people who don’t know a thing. And by not knowing a thing, they’re missing out on some of the most awesome, attractive people on the planet. If you’re someone who’d like to stop missing out, here are some tips on how to date a trans guy. Read More

How to Date a Bi Guy

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This post is a great pairing for “How to Date a Trans Guy.” The trans and bi identities are overlapped in many ways, which is probably why they’ve become such good allies for one another. While one is about gender expression and the other is about sexual orientation, both are largely treated like crap by the straight, gay and queer communities. Bi and trans people are seen as upholding binaries, yet treading in too many identities at once and trying to live as they are, but apparently what they are isn’t good enough. Read More